Slot 4: Spaces and Places - ROOTS • Nederlands Filmhuis Denhaag

Otso Prunnila, Emilie Tizien, Martin Gobert

Slot 4: Spaces and Places - ROOTS

Check out '(T)here in Time', 'Y’a Plus Le Soleil Pur Me Rassurer' and 'I didn’t choose to be from Amiens I was just lucky' in this slot at ROOTS Film Festival 2024.

Slot 4: Spaces and Places - ROOTS consists of the following films:

(T)here: in time (Otso Prunnila) - A short film about a house. English spoken. 7 minutes.

Y’a Plus Le Soleil Pur Me Rassurer (Emilie Tizien) - This is the story of a young woman caught between two worlds, her current life in a foreign, sunless land and the warm, sun-drenched memories of her hometown. She reminisces her childhood and the familiar places that built her. In the country she now inhabits, the days blur into endless grey, and the cold seeps into her heart. She often retreats into memories. Where she can find the sun. French spoken. 3 minutes.

I didn’t choose to be from Amiens I was just lucky (Martin Gobert) - In this short film, Gobert returns to his hometown of Amiens, embodying an awkward reporter who interacts with locals to promote the city through spontaneous conversations. The project explores the complex relationship we have with the places we grew up, highlighting the tension between idealizing a place while avoiding returning to it. French spoken. 16 minutes.

All films will be shown with English subtitles. The screening in Zaal 2 includes a Q&A with the makers, moderated by Filmhuis Den Haag.

ROOTS Film Festival

This December, ROOTS Film Festival returns for its seventh edition, celebrating The Hague’s filmmaking talent with screenings, discussions, and community connections. Hosted by Filmhuis Den Haag, the festival invites everyone to experience and support the creativity flourishing in their city.

Click here to see the full program.

Regisseur Otso Prunnila, Emilie Tizien, Martin Gobert
Cast Various
Land Nederland
Taal Various
Ondertiteling Engels
Speelduur 26 min

Voor je bezoek


Van maandag t/m zondag is de kassa van 10.00 tot 22.00 uur open. Ons café is open van 10.00 tot 00.00 uur. Kom dus heerlijk ontbijten, een kop koffie drinken, lunchen of vegetarisch dineren. We kijken ernaar uit!


Info over tickets, prijzen en kadobonnen vind je op de bezoekerspagina. Vragen? De kassa is telefonisch (070-3656030) bereikbaar op maandag tot en met vrijdag tussen 10:30 en 12:30 uur. Je kunt ook een mailtje sturen naar

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Speciaal voor het Filmhuis hebben onze vrienden van Karsten & Kuiper een selectie van heerlijke gerechten samengesteld waarvan je in gezelschap - of alleen - kunt proeven! Verse, lekkere en verrassende smaken van kwaliteit voor een vriendelijke prijs, gezellig in ons filmcafé.